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Let's hear all your best fun facts, any topic counts!
The best comment as voted by the "top" filter at 10am CT tomorrow gets 5,000 CCs.
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5064 sats \ 3 replies \ @Scoresby 7 Feb
Monopoly (the game) suffers from monetary inflation, too.
2022 versions of the game come with 475% more monopoly dollars than the 2008 version (which had 35% more than the original).
And they added $1k and $2k bills in the 2022 version.
17 sats \ 0 replies \ @bief57 7 Feb
Shit, even in monopoly it's better to use sats
17 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 7 Feb
LMAOOOO that is hilarious! You know its bad when even the board games cant escape!
They don't even stop the money-printing machine when they're playing games. Tomorrow, if I'm not going to win, this is the one I'll vote for. 🤠 Nice one!
Cowboys considered “Cookie,” or the camp cook, the most important person in camp.
Sometimes called “biscuit shooters,” “belly cheaters,” and “bean masters,” camp cooks fed the cowboys three hot meals a day, no matter what. One of the cook’s jobs was to note the North Star each night and turn the tongue of the chuckwagon toward it. This way, the drive would know which way to head out the next morning.
just noticed the toothpick! 🤠
😂😂😂 👍
93 sats \ 3 replies \ @Lux 7 Feb
Science Corp. has created its own line of neurons that it's fusing with an animal's existing neurons via an implant
Monkeys with GPUs coming soon to a casino near you
let's put the monkey to mine BTC
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 7 Feb
They could face an overheating problem
no problem, we put the monkeys into the oceans and will boil them
Fun fact: monero shills cannot see the private LN nodes and channels
Didn't you mute this territory? Btw even LN devs debunked the "private channel" because they are called "unnanounced" channels instead. they are not private.
you are in meta territory. LOL you don't even know where you are posting...
oops I was in the search page instead of the territory
whoosh go back to your cage
Hungarians don’t clink glasses together when drinking beer
This goes back to 1848/1849 and the revolution against the Habsburgs. Some Hungarians were hanged, Austrains celebrated their victory by toasting with clinking glasses. It is said that Hungarians do not clink their glasses as a sign of respect for this event and the lives lost during the revolution.
More here.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Cje95 7 Feb
There is an animal that this theortically immortal. A species of jellyfish called Turritopsis dohrnii has the ability to transform its body into a younger state through a process called transdifferentiation. This means that it can essentially revert back to its polyp stage, which is the juvenile form of a jellyfish, and then grow back into an adult again. This process can be repeated indefinitely.
In the 13th century, China became the first country to introduce fiat currency
But in classic fiat fashion, The Yuan Dynasty printed so much paper money that it quickly lost value, and inflation went wild.
The currency collapsed, and the economy fell apart and China didn't use fiat again for 500 years!
zero lessons learned
Houses are getting cheap.
Which system Is broken?
In a room of 23 people there's about a 50% chance two people have the same birthday
Did you know?Almost 42% of people would have sex with a humanoid robotThis world is truly crazy.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Roll 7 Feb
Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire. Teaching began at Oxford in 1096, while the Aztec Empire's origin is dated to 1325
Milkman throwing his hat in
117 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 7 Feb
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