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Hey all! I just came into an s19j pro 96Th/s and a s19 95Th/s
I’ve been mining for years with s9s and mini miners but I know these are a whole different can of worms.
I’ve been going through Tyler’s appendix on energy but am wondering if there’s anybody that can just say, “get this breaker, this wire, and this outlet.” Also, I’ve got a 3d printer and am wondering if there is an absolute best stl file for making the shrouds? I’ve had mixed results with the ones I made for my s9s.
One last question, for anyone still reading this far: I’ve had problems with my main limit meter on my furnace shutting it down if the intake air is too hot. I’ve heard they’re not all this way, so am just curious if anybody has any advice on this because I’m assuming that if I’m ducting in the miners, I’m going to want to do it before it hits the blower, right?
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Zapped for visibility. This could be interesting to read
Thanks for the boost. I thought there’d be more folks chiming in on here. Anyway, here’s a response I got from the Heatpunks telegram group.
As for the wires, typically you size a circuit based of the 80% rule. So 1 jpro takes 3200 watts. That's 13.3 amps at 240v. 13.3 / 20 is less than 80% so you're safe to have 1 machine on 1 20 amp circuit. Which is 12 gauge romex wire. Scale this accordingly.
Usually we also put the l6-30r plugs at the end of the circuit since that's the outlet PDUS take. Some people direct wire the machines to the panels. As for breakers. Get whatever is currently in your panel so they match. They have all this at depot (assuming American)