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Awesome! My son got the Lego EV3 programming brick for Christmas and loves it! Have you see that one? He’s in 1st grade and coding with Python and making Lego technic robots!
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You told me about it before. Since I now have installed the LEGO@Builder app, I checked it out. Sounds like a really cool way to learn Python. What entry point does this toy need? Can my boy just fiddle his way around without Python prior knowledge? Learn on the go
Lean on the go. He had no experience, my wife thought it would be too much, but he’s got 50-100 lines of code in programs. It’s drop and drag with if then else loops. Super fun
Ohhh this doesn’t sound so bad. I will try it with my boy! Haha
My son is 7 and doing it fully on his own so a little younger with help or older could get really going!