It is only channel opening / closing that is affected. Nodes are still running and routing transactions. So it's not exactly "down" but rather, temporarily closed to new business.
It's not fud.
First of all, you need to process blocks or the counterparty in an LN channel can eventually defraud you.
Second, even if they're honest, LN channels will eventually fail due to timeouts if your LN node can't process blocks.
There's a time window when LND can still function. But it can't go on indefinitely without a patch.
100%, and nicely explained.
It's definitely a critical issue, but it's not really "down" when plebs can still make payments, at least in the short term.
I believe the fix is already released.
All my channels are listed as inactive, and a test payment I attempted a while ago failed.
Same for me. I'm currently seeing all channels down on my node as well. The balances of those channels are now showing as on-chain instead..... very strange.
I see. Ok - I stand corrected! More details have also since come to light (that this was clearly a deliberate attack on LND).