Most people know about the current Bitcoin whitepaper that you can get from many places, like or from the blockchain itself:
seq 0 947 | (while read -r n; do bitcoin-cli gettxout 54e48e5f5c656b26c3bca14a8c95aa583d07ebe84dde3b7dd4a78f4e4186e713 $n | jq -r '.scriptPubKey.asm' | awk '{ print $2 $3 $4 }'; done) | tr -d '\n' | cut -c 17-368600 | xxd -r -p > bitcoin.pdf
But there were some earlier drafts of it that are harder to find.
Here's one of them:
You can tell there are a few differences, like the email used for example.
Here are more details about this:
The earlier pre-release draft mentioned in Satoshi's email to Wei Dai has not been found so far.
You can download a pre-release draft at Feel free to forward it to anyone else you think would be interested.
This is the only candidate that I've seen so far but unfortunately that ecash.pdf file seems to be edited and created in 2017
If anyone reading this has a copy of an earlier draft of the Bitcoin whitepaper, it would be fantastic if it's shared here to preserve it.