Anyone else frightened by how scary good AI is getting so quickly? GPT3/OpenAI/Stable Diffusion/Whisper... we're just at the tip of the iceberg. Add self driving this is going to displace a lot of jobs very quickly.
Technology is just a tool.
People will always need people.
I am afraid that we are nearing a phase of the internet where the ratio of human to AI content will reach 1/∞ and you will effectively never see any human content at all. I am afraid of what this will do to my brain personally as I spend most days consuming written content online. What happens when all of that content is coming from AI, tuned by ranking algorithms that create feedback loops based on human emotion and click through rates?
Agreed- I forgot who coined the phrase, but someone said, eventually everything A/B tests down to pornography. You can already see how every influencer is now adopting the Stephen-A-Smith playbook of leveraging rage-clicks and divisive takes for attention and then quickly becoming audience-captured. We already have VCs paying comedians to tweet for them. You will soon be able to generate a selection of witty retorts and memes at the click of a button. At some point soon you won't need the human in the loop.
I'm not really scared so much as I'm excited. That might be a privileged POV but I tend to think it'll merely change the type of work needed, rather than obsolesce it, which will be painful but not permanent. I also think it will happen gradually enough that people living with their eyes open will see it coming and adjust (e.g. radiology).
It will make capital/credit more efficient, which will increase the leverage of people with means. But when I think about my own meager ascent via CS, this leverage bleeds over/is accessible to people with fewer means too. I have an optimistic suspicion too that more powerful technologies bleed the leverage to lower and lower classes.
I do worry about people who either lack a temperament for or are too old to change though.
I do believe it will give leverage to many and elevate a few without means to create some really freaking awesome things. It will certainly democratize access to things like movie creation etc.
I guess I'm skeptical when I hear thought leaders say it will change up the nature of work, or free people to do "more interesting" work when there are literally billions of unemployed/underemployed people who are already free to dream up higher level types of ideas but still lack any meaningful opportunity.
I worry it will just further enrich a few monopoly corporations and upper class best able to take advantage of this, and further eliminate the middle class and commoditize everyone else to gig workers.
Maybe most of us will go back to doing manual labor work and that will at least bring plumbing and electrician prices down to sane levels. Will be interesting to watch, that's for sure. The stablediffusion and dalle2 sub-reddits are mind-blowing.
"A victorian whale smoking a cigarette, in the style of Rembrandt van Rijn" - If someone gave me this prompt I would not have imagined smoke to come out of a blowhole... it's brilliant.
Along with 5G blazing speeds