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It will surely be true that some people who engage in providing value for value material will not receive the immediate reward they might expect from other avenues but across the Bitcoin space there is a hell of a lot of crap material and so by limiting my consumption to value for value platforms (primarily SN) I save a lot of time and angst and do not have to look at a lot of BS either sponsored duplicity (yes the HW touts are a parasitic rentseeking scourge) or just the mindless repetitive ranting that now dominates reddit and co. SN is a proof of work for V4V as the quality of content and discourse is superior to that on many other competing platforms. Also V4V is a good proving ground for people who think they offer value but perhaps in reality, don't. If you have some exceptional insights and skills you will generally get reward from V4V and from there you are free to seek whatever reward you want but also in V4V you are free to offer whatever you think is of value and get feedback on whether others agree or not, rather than twisting reality to suit your sponsors. There are also some, perhaps many Bitcoiners who feel they have received a lot from the whole Bitcoin journey and genuinely want to give something back and V4V is a perfect model for this to be achieved. Finally imo to really understand Bitcoin you must have some degree of altruism or at least value more than your own narrow self interest...again V4V fits into this ethos very well.