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You don't understand P2P or you would be able to obtain Bitcoin at market price with no need to use rentseeking KYCing state surveillance CEXes.
The more you accept and follow the legacy fiat powers imposed narrative of Bitcoin being primarily a KYCed speculative commodity, not primarily a P2P payments protocol, the more you miss the whole point of Bitcoin.
Have you ever read The White paper? Seems not.
Your assertion that retailers must offer you a discount for Bitcoin payment is absurd. You ignore the multiple obstacles that retailers face in accepting Bitcoin and seem to only think of your own narrow self interest- in doing so you miss the point of Bitcoin and are blind to its true value.
seem to only think of your own narrow self interest
I suspect that you vastly underestimate the breadth of my self-interest, Solomon.
Are you familiar with "How to make a mint" ?
It's not really much concern to me whether Satoshi intended to make a peer-to-peer cash on a chain without the space for 8 billion users to get a UTXO, or if it was cover to instead build a system that could sneakily replace the USD on the world stage without any negotiation step for the bickering nations of the world to somehow eek out an advantage over the US.
At this point, the tide is going in a direction of hoarding the better money. I'm not going to swim against that tide.
I don't have enough sats to waste them at businesses that don't want them enough to demonstrate that they understand the value of what I have.
You should feel free to spend all your sats on groceries if that's what you want to do, please don't let me stop you.
You don't understand the value of Bitcoin. You are hoarding a commodity which you misunderstand and that you believe is sure to increase in value when Bitcoins long term value is seriously degraded by people perceiving it and using purely or primarily as a speculative commodity.
Use as a speculative commodity plays precisely into the hands of those who seek to capture and control the protocol to preserve their fiat payments hegemony.
You don't understand how to use P2P an avoid rentseeking CEX KYC state surveillance.. You don't need to have lot of Bitcoin to use it where it is accepted- you just need to understand how to use P2P to acquire Bitcoin at the current world price- clearly you don't understand that basic application of P2P.
Not interested in your links to whatever - if you cannot make a convincing reasoned case here in this thread sequentially and in full view, then accept defeat in the contest of ideas...don't try to waste my time and that of others following the debate with extraneous links to god know what.
If there were no exchanges, then you may have some point. Since you can exchange any amount of fiat for bitcoin in seconds/minutes (and non-KYC in minutes/hours) the whole "I'm not spending bitcoin because I only want to spend fiat and hoard bitcoin" is quite meaningless. Just exchange fiat for whatever is your target to have in bitcoin and that's it. Spending or not spending bitcoin doesn't have any meaningful effect on how much bitcoin you have if you use exchange. You can do "spend and replace", which is essentially a mind trick, but it may work as a bridge for some people.