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missed the point. can sign up for proton with some of the temp email sites.....which are 100% anonymous.
No I didn't. Requiring email to get email is dumb. I do USE proton, I just don't use it for my custom domain or aliasing. Feel free to deviate with the guide at will. It's MY set-up.
also nymbox requires an email
Good point, I should make getting a Tuta email step one not step two. Good catch. And yes, Mynymbox and Addy.io will require your email. Only these two people will know your actual email. Then everyone else gets an alias.
also you tell folks to sign up for tuta...so why wouldn't they just du that for Proton?
Because it's MY guide and this is MY opinion and set-up. HOLY SHIT
someone ... is gonna
  1. sign up for paid tuta (a little less than the price of these shenanagins)
  2. use the 15+ extra email addresses / aliases.
Okay... let 'em. What in my guide prevents someone from deviating. I'm showing what I do. And I state why. If someone doesn't want to follow it... Cool. But why post here anonymously to point out that obvious fact?