Note: I know nothing of El Salvador or Bukele, and I might be easily taken by charismatic dictators, but I really like Bukele.
Nearly every interview I watch of him I'm left with the impression that he's smart and well intentioned.
Agreed, Im not well versed on the situation in El Salvador, but every interview with him I like him more and more. He's calm with a charm.
Still an authoritarian by any metric.
We don't need any benevolent dictator, that is one of the things we are trying to solve.
I’m not even sure he’s a dictator. Just hedging my bets
When I said "benevolent dictator" I was not referring to him, it was just hypothetical.
He is an authoritarian. He constantly makes unilateral controversial decisions, silences and prosecutes critics and clings to power. If that makes him a dictator is just an academic discussion.
There was an interesting Twitter Space I was in recently where a native of El Salvador explained the whole inability for Bukele to run a second term. He has not made any moves to change the constitution. Their constitution allows him to step down from office 6 months before the next election and run as a citizen. If he wins then he will have a "second" term.