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Monero folks in my experience don't really seem to consider tradeoffs and simply focus on one factor. Privacy above all else.
Monero folks in my experience seem to consider every tradeoff and simply focus on always improving the protocol, hence why they created FCMPs, which will also bring the LN to XMR. Privacy above all else.
Privacy above all else.
All else?
Censorship resistance? Audit-ability? Resistance to dev hijacking? Network effects and acceptance?
Are you all-in XMR sense you claim "privacy above all else"? Zero Bitcoin?
No I use bitcoin for generating yield, you can use both to provide liquidity to markets like robosats and haveno.
Privacy is a cornerstone for all the others, you can't resist censorship without privacy, devs need to have privacy so they aren't taken down by feds, privacy enables greater network effect and acceptance, etc.
I recommend reading the cypherpunk manifesto and what the first paragraph says
Ironically Bitcoin is less censorship resistant than it could be because it isn't private.
Miners have the ability to censor individual transactions and form targeted blacklists. Wouldn't be possible to even attempt this if it was private.
Good to hear. Speaking from my experience which may be HIGHLY skewed.
I think it depends on the tradeoff, for example Monero and its users are very uninterested in being programmable or having a scripting language, but that also affects its ability to have L2s on top of it, so this new upgrade enables a hacky way of achieving payment channels via a thing called "tx chaining", which is still not scripting
We're already discussing Monero so you are coming as the blue shirt guy trying to look over hahaha
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @guts 18 Feb
We do, sticking with Monero too
they are totally blind
21 sats \ 22 replies \ @guts 18 Feb
You are a maxi you hate any crypto
It's the only way to go.
Allowing yourself to use multiple "cryptos" is shooting yourself in the foot.
Scarcity is the value proposition.
I can understand being 100% XMR. But you can't be both, unless you're a complete retard.
Privacy, anonymity and fungibility is the way to go. I do hold and degen other crypto as Bitcoin
Privacy, anonymity and fungibility is the way to go
If you believe XMR is better at these three things, then why do you hold any Bitcoin at all? Can you not see how stupid that is?
The whole point of Satoshi building a monetary network was to get rid of dilution. By accepting and using other cryptos, you are diluting yourself! Figure out which one has the least amount of tradeoffs and use it! Nothing will ever be 100% perfect (see The Blockchain Trilemma https://medium.com/@JeffBooth/finding-signal-in-a-noisy-world-57497df06a35).
Accepting tradeoffs is virtuous. Diluting yourself is weak.
Bitcoin is very good at privacy, anonymity and fungibility.... but not perfect. You can make it better if you make negative tradeoffs. Perhaps the tradeoffs XMR makes is worth it. Therefore, being an XMR maxi is a defensible, even virtuous position. But holding both is the opposite.
There is a place for crypto like Monero or Bitcoin. Monero is a necessity and I do use it