Kathmandu in Nepal has been such a great base for me the past year, not only have I got new, good biped friends, but there are also many great four legged ones!
In the wintertime many locals provide the regular dogs with good clothing!
Of course they all are real personalities. Some are calmer than the others, this one especially. He also remembered me from July last year when I returned early this January!
This old one is also very friendly towards me. He often prefers to sit under the big bell, watching people and other dogs passing by. Certainly a dog that has seen a lot!
These two are rather territorial, and the only ones that I have to be a bit careful passing by... Maybe they regard the restaurant their owner runs as a very important source of food that no other dog nor biped should be allowed close?
This one knows me, but is a bit more reserved.
The regular gang of expats that I enjoy spending time with outside the main coffee shop have a name for this one, she is called Kali which simply means the black one. She has a really pleasant personality, and greets us most days.
There are lots of old Tibetans who meditate constantly, exuding some real serenity and good intentions. No wonder a street dog wants to stay close!
This one is really keen on protecting his territory, which is easy when you own a staircase like this hehe...
Every Saturday a volunteer clinic visits, taking care of all the regular street dogs. This, however, is the official clinic dog, a lucky one for sure! (Will post more about the clinic later)
Dogs resting late in the night under the big bell.
I think this young one arrived last summer, he had to fight for his spot, but is part of the regular ones now.
For some reason I did not get off to a good start with this one when I first made it back to Kathmandu after 29 years last April. Maybe my mind was too busy, so it felt it had to protect itself. Now even after being petted for a long time by someone he still snaps at me right after, once they have made up their mind about someone I guess its hard to change...
Resting dogs, they all feel safe here, so they simply curl up wherever they want.
That is it for now! I know most of these dogs by now, and maybe even half of them know me, so there will definitely be more coming!