Some of my students take enrichment classes at the Dyslexia Association of Singapore during their free time. As their English teacher, I feel an immense responsibility to update these teachers on the progress of my students.
After all, when compared to regular students, dyslexics need more rounds of deliberate spaced repetition before they can commit to memory what they have learnt. So, the better the adult figures in a dyslexic’s life work together, the more effectively he or she will learn.
So, I made contact with one DAS teacher and found out from her what my student is learning under her tutelage. I subsequently texted my student to get him to recall his learning.
I’m glad that I tested him because I would never have known that he holds a misconception about -less. I would also never expect people to bring forth this kind of thinking from Mathematics. Anyway, it was good for me to find that out because I could promptly conduct some remediation.
I’m honestly quite proud of my posters. I intend to use them with my students religiously and compulsively!