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When you live in a capital, I think it is practically impossible to release the great bottles of vehicular traffic.
Participate ... let me your opinion.
Do you perform some activity to try to make it productive that time you are burning in traffic every day when going and returning from your work?
From 30 min to 90 min0.0%
From 60 min to 120 min or more.100.0%
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less than 30 min because i live in small city
excellent! I consider you lucky ...
I know people who travel more than an hour to get to work, both round and back 😱
Yea I spend a little time in traffic... 😂
I usually listen to books or podcasts. I can go through a book or two a week when I have something I'm interested in.
It has never been good with the audio books but I understand that it is a great way to channel that time stuck in traffic.
I usually listen to some podcast, read my PDF, or simply take the opportunity to go through SN to learn something or simply interact in the community.
I take public transport.
Still, about 40 mins for me to get home. And surviving the buses and trains is no mean feat, either. Haha
Time is so ephemeral, so we have to make the most of it. I decided to channel it, especially in traffic.