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I can’t believe I haven’t asked this question yet!
I only bothered to learn how to spell diarrhoea recently, and I teach English for a living. Haha.
Here is a list of words 12-year-olds in my country are expected to learn to spell:
Commonly Misspelled Words for Editing (Alphabetical Order) Abundantly Accelerate Accomplish / Accomplished / Accomplishment Accommodation Accidentally Accumulate / Accumulates Achieve Acquaintance Announcement Apparently Appropriately Argument Atmosphere Attended Barbecue Beckoning Beverages Believe Beginning Business Camouflage Challenge / Challenged / Challenges Changeable Chosen Committee Compliments Competition Congratulations Consistent Contagious Crushed Curiosity Deadline Delicious Definitely Description Destruction Devastation Development Different Dialogue Disappear Disappointment Dumbfounded Ecstatic Effective Encourage Enormously Enthusiasm Environment Equipment Explanation Exhibition Exceed Experience Extinction Embarrass / Embarrassment Fascinating Favourite Fluid Forward Government Guarantee Humorous Immediately Initially Innovation / Innovative Interpret Interesting Invited Judgment Knowledge Lethargic Leisure Magnificent Maintenance Manoeuvre Memento Manner Medicine Mechanical Mischievous Nostalgic Noticeable Occasionally Occurrence Overwhelming Parliament Particular Peculiar Perseverance / Persevered Pleasant Popular / Popularity Possible / Probably Possession Principal / Principle Procrastination Pronunciation Quote Receive Recognition Recommendation Recuperate Referred Rejuvenate Relevant Reminisce Respectively Restaurant Reunion Requires Rhythm Schedule Scissors Scratching Scrumptious Separate Sergeant Several Society Souvenirs Specially Stationery / Stationary Successful / Succeeded Sustained Sudden Survive Technique Tomorrow Topic Truly Unique Until Uphill Useful Vacation Vacuum Variety Various Venturing Wasted Worshipped