The opening month of the second Donald Trump presidency has produced a number of consensus-shattering executive actions that have upended the normal functioning in Washington. One of the most surprising is Trump’s attempt to eliminate the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and defund the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
For decades, USAID and NED have presented themselves as wearing a white hat, helping other countries become more democratic and enlightened. However, much of the real work of the agencies was to foment dissent and at times, overthrow governments that do not comply with Washington’s dictates.
USAID and NED fund media outlets that repeat Washington’s propaganda, support political opposition factions that want to align more with the White House, and bolster NGOs that facilitate regime changes.
This is an article that is an excerpt from a book about what the NGOs, USAID and NED are doing around the world. This part is specifically focused on Ukraine in 2014. It seems that there is even MORE evidence that the problems there were created by the actins of those three and the CIA. Who was to blame for the war there? It is getting clearer and clearer with more transparency.