I think that the number of territories is necessary for order to order in the different issues that we can address in this community.
And I think that a territory is needed about OnePiece to talk about manga and as the author describes sensitive issues and difficult issues of our modern society.
Do you think we have enough territories? Too many territories?
I think the incentive model ensures that we have precisely the amount of territories that we need given our size.
Any territories we need?
I have a few more that I think would be incredibly beneficial to the community and I will found them as soon as I am reasonably able. I am even more interested in sub-territories.
Two territories I thought might be good is
-Parenting as seems we have a bit of parents corner chat happening
And possibly - blog could be interesting?
Thinking users can use stacker news to post blogs like they would elsewhere but be able to earn sats for there insights
I'm pretty happy with our territory offerings, for now. I spent a whole year being interested in running a territory, before the right opportunity presented itself.
Yeah true. It does seem reasonably well catered there is a few things that are probably in the wrong territory but we have territory that is close enough
to talk about manga and as the author describes sensitive issues and difficult issues of our modern society.