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I’m currently running Bitcoin Knots on my Start9 server but would like to switch back to Bitcoin Core. However, I’m unable to install or update Bitcoin Core while Knots is still running.
I’m hesitant to uninstall Knots before installing Bitcoin Core, as I’m concerned it might disrupt my Lightning channels. Can I safely uninstall Knots and install Bitcoin Core without affecting my existing blockchain data or requiring a full re-download?
Additionally, when I attempt to update Bitcoin Core, I receive the following error (see photo)
Would appreciate any guidance on the best way to proceed. Thanks in advance!
i believe you'll have to uninstall knots, download bitcoin core, and wait for the download of the blockchain again. Once your bitcoin core is synced to the latest block, it should work with your existing lightning nodes.
I did this but in reverse: I deleted bitcoin core, downloaded knots and once it had synced it worked with both my LND and CLN nodes no problem (I use start9 too).
As for your photo, this error is occurring because you currently have knots installed, so that bitcoin core update won't work ( I too have that update appearing on my server dashboard every time I log in. Must be a bug).
What was your reasoning for deleting bitcoin core and using knots? Will Knots ever be updated so that it is the same as bitcoin core? I notice the two are different, and unsure that this is not wise.
I wanted to use DATUM to mine with my miners. The guide from the team at Ocean said it only works with Knots, so I made the switch.
Great, thank you so much
Here is a reply from the start 9 team;
Switching between the two is a little complicated because of the way this is temporarily set up to allow both to exist and share the same blockchain. Because they do share it, definitely don't uninstall anything. The trick is to get access to downgrade and reinstall options, each of which might be relevant depending on what versions and upgrades are available.
Reinstall method In the StartOS System tab, click the “Manage” heading 5+ times to enable developer mode.
Visit the Marketplace, and the version you want to install. Click “Reinstall” on the service, or
If you get a notification claiming the install failed. Don’t worry, it succeeded. You just need to open the config and click “Save”.
Downgrade method (should not be needed unless the versions are out of sync) In the StartOS System tab, click the “Manage” heading 5+ times to enable developer mode. (Do this anyway if you'd a switcher, might be useful later) Visit the Marketplace, and the version you want to install. Scroll down to Versions and select at least one version down.
Install that.
There'd be no need to resync, and all dependent services should be happy.
In StartOS 0.3.6 this will all be unnecessary, and the process of switching between Bitcoin implementations will be streamlined.
That's why i love minibolt and raspibolt guides.