I have created this voxel art to celebrate this whole new community and thank the Stacker News team for allowing me to post my Bitcoin fundrainsing to bring 10 new goats to my farm in Venezuela. Hope you like it!
Do you want your own artwork and help a family farm in Venezuela? Please consider donating through Bitcoin and tell me your idea in the comments or on Twitter, I'll create a custom voxel art for you! Thank you so much for all your support.
Bitcoin address: 32tTezLUBifJugDnpGNk3kUigWx4KKbDBy (If you want to donate through the Lightning Network, send me a DM through Twitter, I'll be very happy to assist you)
I would love to order a voxel art for me but I'm not on Twitter anymore. Please reach out to kwinten@getalby.com or kwintendb on TG.
You do know that your stacker news account has a lightning address? Just donated through lightning with Alby, no need for contacting you through twitter ;)
Good morning mate! Thank you so much for supporting our project, tell me what you want for your custom artwork and I'll create it 🤠