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I enjoyed this book quite a bit. There are other plausible reasons why serious disasters may be hard to detect, but we shouldn't dismiss the obvious answer, either.
We humans in the west have it so good we have to manufacture catastrophes. That includes central planning. The ego of man is massive.
I agree with the general hypothesis that legitimate concern and activism quickly become disingenuous industrial fearmongering.
Years ago I heard the British documentarian Adam Curtis say that politicians have ran out of ideas. They no longer have a positive vision for the future. All their visions have failed so they are left with fear. Those that paint the most dark future gain power. This was something he said during the "war on terror". But ever since then I have noticed how central fear and dark visions of the future are the key drivers in politics. Either stopping the big evil opponent from bringing about the dark future or the dark future being stopped by the amazing politician.