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I just listened to this Breedlove podcast:
My god. What a crazy, twisting, Whitney Webbish tale. Kruse thinks Sassaman is Satoshi, and it starts with the Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky.
Fun listen, though I don't think I buy it.
Has anyone else listened to this?
Yeah, I had listed to like 50% of that a week or 2 ago.
You're right that its very Webbish....lots of factoids that are probably true in isolation, that are then jammed together to try to form some grand narrative. Like you I don't buy the final conclusion.
The line about NY Mob defending the NY Harbor in WW2 is verified - but the idea that they intercepted a spy that confessed to a conspiracy that connects Rothchilds to Hitler is an astounding claim that I'd love to hear some corroboration on.
Still - ep 2 of the Breedlove series is a banger.
No doubt. One other point. He talks about Chaum. I remember reading in The Genesis Book that Chaum wanted to keep the software proprietary for his companies and opposed open source. Kruse credits him for open source. My memory could be mistaken.