Fearmongering luddites of the 21st century.
No, we don't want or need regulation controlling the future for the benefit of the past. You like things the way they are, welcome to incumbency and since you've enjoyed whatever the situation is that is about to change, perhaps you're a little old to change and adapt to the new.
Sadly the term of the status quo in intellectual production (there's no such thing as intellectual property) is shortening and just when you thought it all over, it has only begun.
Photography impacted picture drawers and stable diffusion is going to make more pictures than "creatives" ever did.
It was nice while your skills were rare and valuable, but now anyone can get something out of an idea without touching pencil, oil or ink.
Programming, you want it to remain mired in the past, bad luck. The attempt to strangle open source, foss, with copyright is just sick. Copyleft kept it free for all, and that means making it a training set for the next thing to help more people, not a few from the past retain their privileges.