We still have a subscription to the New Yorker. They usually publish good fiction, and the book and movie reviews are okay. I have learned over the years to never read any of their even remotely political articles if I want to keep my blood pressure in a safe range. Full disclosure: I would have cancelled the subscription long ago, but it's my wife's.
In today's mail THIS is what I find. The New Yorker Cover artwork this week is named "You're Fired."
The implication, of course is that the jack booted thugs would have fired George Washington or Ben Franklin in different times, and/or that the ideas of our nation's founders are being tossed aside.
The irony is rich. The notion that Franklin, Washington or Jefferson could be identified in any way with the gigantic, wasteful bureaucracy that the US government has become in the 21st century is too infuriating to be funny. The Founding Fathers would have cheered the dismantling of the Leviathan.
Maybe the New Yorker will have a WAPO moment soon. I hope so.