What’s the point of tipping 1 sat ?
In 2010-2012, people said stuff like this on forums "you only have 1 bitcoin? what's the point?"
There's that one famous post where a person says "I only have 4000 bitcoin, I missed the boat.."
There's that one famous post where a person says "I only have 4000 bitcoin, I missed the boat.."
If anybody knows where this post (or any post like this from back then) is, please tell me! I want to screenshot and frame it lol
So, it was only 600 bitcoins but I think the point stands.
he generated them all in one week lol
144 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 5 Nov 2022
Found at least one reason here: #48359
I have it set at 1 because I love spamming with the lightning effect
Good reason , you can spam the lightning with more though ;)
Every sat counts. There is only 21 quadrillion of them.
Probably less by now. So much lost to dust or in broken laptops from 2013.
Look at r/all or order any Subreddit by top of week. When the plattform is big and every of these upvotes was 1-10 sats that would be a lot of money.