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History my friend. Virtually no one had heard of Obama just a few years before he ran and won... That's what I'm talking about.
Also, if the econ tanks (and I think it will) that could really hurt the republicans future prospects and damage a lot of ground they won.
But, do not under-estimate Newsom. And don't over-estimate the intelligence of voters. They are DUMB and easily manipulated by those skilled at doing so. Far to many republicans are running victory laps. Woke is dead. All that stuff. Its dumb and short sighted. The country is still full of government loving dummies. Don't forget how royally the democrats screwed up.
Woke is dead. All that stuff. It’s dumb and short sighted. The country is still full of government loving dummies. Don't forget how royally the democrats screwed up.
Yes, and that is why there will be problems for the Demoncrats coming back. I think there may be another party on the horizon to be opposition to the MAGA/MAHA coalition. I don’t think the standard parties will have the power or the enthusiasm behind them to survive the further. There might not even be a functional government around and we could be in libertarian heaven, by then.
You're dreaming