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Great post.
I'm interested in this as a gauge of how receptive "people like" your students are to the ideas needed for interest in btc to take hold. I scare-quoted because I realize that it's very complicated and difficult to group people in a complex semantic space like this. And yet it can be done to some degree, as common sense will dictate.
In a completely pulling-it-out-of-your-ass fashion, care to advance an opinion about how generalizeable this phenomenon is? Are the students in your class at this non-notable college similar to people their age? Would you take their awareness as typical? Would you expect their response to be typical?
I think it's fairly generalizable. I've done a similar approach to talking about Bitcoin with regular adults too, and got similar reactions.
But I'll tell you who I get the most frosty receptions from: People who are already highly educated and financially successful. In my experience, these are the people who are the least curious about Bitcoin, or who feel like they already know how to judge it.
Makes sense. There is a game and they've done well playing it. Upending that game is not an appealing option.
Yeah and it could be a credibility thing too. Why would they take financial advice from someone poorer than them? (Even though I don't present bitcoin in terms of investing, that's what most people preconceived notion of it is)