A lot of people out there just want to stick their heads in the sand and pretend that everything is just great. Meanwhile, rampant lawlessness is raging all around us and our society is literally coming apart at the seams. I just don’t get it. How can people insist that things are fine when just about every form of evil that you can possibly imagine is on the rise? Nobody can deny that the moral decay of America is accelerating, and unless we reverse course and choose another direction conditions will continue to get even worse. The following are 11 shocking examples of how completely and utterly lawless our society has become… #1 We are in the midst of the worst wave of cargo theft in our history. #2 A McDonald’s location in Brooklyn has completely banned everyone under the age of 20 from entering because of all the crime kids have been committing there… In the early days of this country, our society was not plagued by theft, rape, scams and violence. That is because Americans were much more virtuous in those days. If we also want to be virtuous, we need to return to what they believed. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what has happened to us. Any society that embraces evil will be plagued by evil. Being lawless is a choice. At this point our moral decline is so advanced that it really would be a major miracle to get this country turned around again.
There are nine more of these types of crimes that you hardly ever heard of before. As the author says if you let the evil in the evil is here. Why are we letting the evil run its own course? There are ways of stopping evil and it is relatively easy. You just have to face the facts that everyone has the right to stop crimes when they are a witness to them and have the proper tools.