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I personally think it was the recent bull market. I've been talking to other Bitcoin related founders, they all seem to echo that, in the bull phase, bitcoiners tend to become less social and vice versa in the bear phase. Also, bitcoiners tend to spend less in the bull phase and more in bear markets.
I could be wrong, but just a different view point to consider.
This makes a lot of sense. So, a bear phase is what defines the future of Stacker News? If what you're saying is true (and I think it may be the case as well), it's scary because Bitcoin is expected to go up and up in the future. Again, what I think is that on Stacker News, everyone is a Bitcoin maximalist or a type of it, so I don't think the bull or bear phase matters here. Thanks for your insights
Thanks, I think its also conditioning of what is bull/bear phase.
Lets say if we stay in 80k-110k range for an extended period of time with an occasional jump to 180-200k. The 80k-110k range will become the new bear phase.
Holy cow, that's why I use Stacker News. You guys just gave me a new way to think. Thanks again