Few have worked longer and with more passion toward understanding the unexplained than astronomer, computer scientist, and internet pioneer Jacques Vallée, who for most of his life has pursued the “forbidden science” of unidentified aerial phenomena. A scientist, researcher, and author of an impressive number of non-fiction and fiction offerings, Vallée’s latest work, Forbidden Science 6: Scattered Castles, represents the most recent installment of his personal journals.
This week on The Micah Hanks Program, Dr. Vallée returns to the show to share his latest research, and reflections on years of study that are presented in his latest volume of published journals. We discuss Dr. Vallée’s time working with the AAWSAP program, how he and his colleagues searched for access to alleged UAP technologies recovered by the U.S. government, advanced concepts like the “Meta-system” of UAP technology, and much more with one the true living legends of modern UAP studies.