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Yup, well said.
I feel like most of us here understand these points better than Trump, Elon, and team.
They thought they could just cut spending and things would get better. They didn't realize they were dealing with a literal Ponzi scheme that cannot shrink without dire consequences.
Will this cause them to finally take a closer look at Bitcoin?
us here understand these points better than Trump
That's counter to my take, Trump understands this all perfectly, he's an Economist and Jacksonian... even Elon has been throwing down some econ 101...
These guys have far more knowledge than they can let on, classified O-Plans, partnerships with other heads of state, financial institutions etc... they cant just blurt out what the plan is anymore than you go for the king the first move in a game of chess
They've proven by now there is a plan and Bitcoin is part of it, so long popcorn.