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This is a weak attempt to be interesting. It says more about @zapsammy than about anything else.
are you capable of recognizing the occult symbolism that is in front of ur eyes every day? what is on the insignia on Z's shirt? what does that brand stand for? thank u for ur curiosity, tho expressed in a sarcastic-dismissive manner.
awakening one mind at a time is still a good work.
What shirts, please? Because the Azov brigade used to have it means what? Don’t ridicule yourself.
These are nazi signs. Nationalists in ukraine are ruling and fighting the war against russia. These people killed leftists in the maidan revolution and started to bomb own people in east ukraine because of russian origin. These azov fighters kill zivilists before leaving the territory to russia and then blame it on russian soldiers. We have seen it in bucha and many other places. It is time to talk about the end of the regime in ukraine.
These azov fighters kill zivilists before leaving the territory to russia and then blame it on russian soldiers.
You must be on drugs, or a Russian?
Oh man, get your shit together.
Btw, how would you call people fighting for their nation to survive? At least you didn’t say Nazis.
thank u for the short concise summary, i shall use it in my explanations )
if there is still strong resistance to knowledge, i typically mute the user and look for more receptive ones.