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Part of the problem with V4V is that almost everyone is having so much value stolen from them on a daily basis through money printing that they exist in a perpetual state of scarcity. Those who've spent their entire lives in a fiat world know that their work, their savings, and their time are perpetually losing purchasing power when denominated in something that others get to create for free. This scarcity prevents the possibility of gratefully compensating others for the value they have brought us, because we are not capturing and collecting value ourselves.
IF/WHEN people have multiple sat-streams established, that they control and own, then circulating that wealth will come more naturally. Only when people feel like they have 'enough' already will they comfortably spend any more than is necessary. Those used to fixed incomes, that inevitably lose purchasing power over time, will choose cheap, convenient, low quality every time they have a choice. Not ever having 'enough' creates a justification for not spending anything anytime it's not required.
A perpetual state of abundance, where I create surplus value with everything I do, where I gratefully reward those who upgrade my knowledge, skills, and tool sets so they can provide me even more value tomorrow; THIS will take generations to become the common paradigm for most of humanity.
Knowing the value I deliver to the marketplace, because I'm not a useless Bankster, government Administrator, or a shill for corporations feeding my Fans up to these parasites like chum fed to sharks, I don't promote others' goods and services, only my own. Free content, with or without the Value stack, is best kept limited in depth and breadth when made available to the general public, with the most valuable, wide-ranging, depth of value provided to our private community membership association.
Public offerings with a fixed prices for goods/services put us within the jurisdiction of the public entities tasked with protecting the general public, making voluntary, flexible, donations an effective defense against regulatory attack. Private offerings remove us, and our communities, from the purview of the Nanny State, and allow us to more safely engage in commerce with our true peers using private, not government 'flag', money like sats.