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Wrong, and it has nothing to do with economics, clearly you're too ignorant on this subject to distinguish from bank charters and economic theory.
If you Europoors need money to spend at home, you can just print money to do it. It doesn't need to be lended into existence first with collateral, you can literally just mint new shitcoins out nothing and put them on the banks balance sheet and call that collateral if you want (reserves). The inflation at home would be seigniorage if you went this route.
The Russian assets are only useful for propping up your otherwise dead currency for a few more months while you import things you need from places that aren't as retarded. Suggesting otherwise is brainwashed eurocuck media talk.
Since you have a child's mind I'll ELI5:
Your monopoly money is worthless because you have no economy, so you need the Russian's money for foreign exchange.