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In Plato's ancient Greece, democracy was initially created to give power to the people, who exercised it directly or through elected representatives. It promoted equality before the law, the active participation of citizens in politics and the protection of individual rights and freedoms. However, at the time, democracy also faced challenges, as not everyone could vote: women, slaves and resident aliens were excluded. Although today this has changed and anyone over the age of 18 can vote, today the issue is different and perhaps similar in many countries where there is a democratic government.

Understanding Modern Democracies

Before delving deeper, we must understand what our democracies are made up of. In general, they are composed of the following formula:
  • We have a Legislative Branch, which is in charge of drafting, modifying and approving laws, and which, depending on the country, is the Congress, Parliament or National Assembly.
  • Subsequently, we have the Judicial Branch, which is in charge of interpreting the laws and resolving legal conflicts, ensuring respect for constitutional rights. It is formed by the Supreme Court and the lower courts.
  • And to complete the trifecta, we have the Executive Branch, which is in charge of applying and executing the laws; it directs the policies of the government, being headed by the President or the Prime Minister.

The Broken System

So far everything sounds good, but if we add certain characteristics, you will understand that perhaps this system is not the best. Let's first concentrate on the Legislative Branch; this, in theory, works as long as all participants vote in a particular direction to form unity in favor of the people. Don't get me wrong: the objective is to discuss and debate what is best for the people; therefore, everything has to be under constructive criticism from pro to con. But if we are faced with corruption and high conflicts of interest, the scenario changes drastically; the Legislative Branch becomes a place where laws are created and approved for the benefit of the politicians in office or the ideological majority residing there. Therefore, the constitution of a country may not be the best given the facts. Not to mention that those who know best about our needs are ourselves, who can make our own decisions and not a few who are in constant disagreement to give mediocre results every year.
On the other hand, we have the Judiciary, in charge of all legal matters, of giving fair trials to all citizens. But if our constitution is ambiguous and perhaps very corruptible, this affects the entities in charge of applying these laws. Therefore, we find in our day to day life unrecognized martyrs and "innocent" rogues, and I believe that in the eyes of anyone that is not true justice.... This is one of the reasons why there is so much crime, insecurity and injustice in many countries of the second or third world, where the laws do not apply to a few, who know how to manipulate their environment to their whims.
In short, we find ourselves before the pawns of a never-ending chess game: the Executive Power that is subject to the will of the Legislative Power.
Do you believe that this is a true democracy where the people rule?
In voting seasons, we all focus on who will be the new president and what are his thoughts or political orientation for the future of the country, but very few of us realize that he is the pawn in a very big, vast and tortuous chess game. And it is here where I include myself and affirm that I also had that thought that perhaps a new president could solve the problems that afflict all of us in common. But it is here where we understand that democracy is broken and that, if we want to take the future of our families in our hands, there is only one way out of the system.

A Path Forward

I want to be very clear: at no time will I talk about pure and simple anarchy, but rather the goal is to emphasize that, if you seek change in your government, this is the way you can purge all the malice from the system.
While political education and cultural struggle is important, it has to be accompanied by instant solutions but with real long term effects. Each one of us cannot be the next assemblyman or agent of change in the midst of a jungle of interests and corruption; it is a very difficult and lonely thing to achieve, but not impossible for those who venture. That is why I make this call, whether you are right or left, from above or below, to every person who sees that democracy is not being applied in the right way; the only way to change the system is to take away the only sustenance/power: our money.

The Power of Financial Freedom

What makes the State function is money, so if we take that out of the equation, it can no longer expand at the same rate in an inefficient and inconsistent manner, giving opportunity for corruption. With that, we ensure that the state does not penetrate beyond our individual rights. As time goes by, the State will find itself in a situation of financial insolvency, forcing it to shrink and not be able to afford the use of its secondary power, which is violence, the favorite resource of every dictatorial State in times of crisis. And this without taking into account that the currencies of each country, whether the dollar or any of the pesos used, can be methods of creating money out of thin air through inflation.
This is where Bitcoin comes into our lives as a solution to all the problems that may afflict us. It is the only asset on the face of the galaxy that is scarce and unseizable, to which only you as a reader have access. A financial tool that preserves the fruits of your labor and protects you from censorship.

The Cryptographic Revolution

As Timothy C. May:
"The state will, of course, try to slow or stop the spread of this technology, citing national security concerns, the use of the technology by drug dealers and tax evaders, and fears of social disintegration. Many of these concerns will be valid, but if we look for a second at the other side of the coin, for the past few decades the dollar has dominated the scene, where all of these 'concerns' were the day-to-day business of large financial institutions, either for or against. The technology of the printing press altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure; cryptologic methods will also fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and government interference in economic transactions. Combined with emerging information markets, crypto-anarchy will create a liquid marketplace for any material that can be put into words and images. And just as a seemingly minor invention like barbed wire made possible the fencing off of vast ranches and farms, forever altering concepts of property rights in the frontier west, so too will the seemingly minor discovery of an arcane branch of mathematics become the pliers that dismantle the barbed wire around intellectual property."


The current state of democracy reveals deep flaws, evidenced by corruption and a disconnect between the interests of the government and the people. If we want to change the course of our societies, we must rethink the system from its foundations. Bitcoin emerges as a key tool in this transformation, providing a financial alternative that cannot be manipulated by elites or confiscated by governments.
However, even if you change currency or country, the consequences of inflation and corruption will catch up with you sooner or later. If you really want to be prepared to protect your future, Bitcoin is the solution. By adopting it, you are taking direct control over your finances and reducing the power of corrupt states that depend on our money to continue operating.
The road will not be easy, but by joining together in this fight for decentralization, we can move closer to true freedom and justice. Change is in our hands, and technology can be the catalyst we need to build a freer future for all.