This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Some stats after each 5,000 items.
SN Item #90,000: Nov 5, 2022 (12 days since Oct 24, 2022) 417 / day
Congrats on growing in a bear market but please note this metric can be manipulated if someone wanted
Sorry if the site is performing slowly for some of you. It looks like the query engine in the version of postgres I upgraded to isn't using an index for a common query (in only certain cases) and I'm not sure why.
I'll try to fix it tomorrow.
Wish I knew what all that meant. But I can tell you all things are nominal from my end.
Today at Bitcoin Brunch I snapped on the BCH guy and told him not to come anymore. I doubt he'll listen to me though.
Please ping me when you post a Stacker News post on Reddit/Twitter.
Stacker News is awesome but we won't be able to onboard people without telling anybody. Gotta put more effort in everybody
FYI, there's an account that posts every SN post on Twitter.
I wish there was one for Mastodon. Twitter is dead to me. Elon can go fork himself.
hmm... not ideal for onboarding people. Seems to mainly run into the void
But thanks for the info!
Yeah, it's an unofficial account. And the official one is largely stats about the site which would interest those who already use it.
I'm going to say something possibility controversial; I really like the culture of SN and how it is different from Twitter. If a lot of users come on at once, I'm afraid they won't assimilate to the community and instead bring with them the very things I love getting a break from when I come here.
I know that the user count is generally moving in the right direction. I don't have access to the finances enough to see if it's not moving fast enough to pay the bills though. But for now, I love that builders who create things are getting more attention here than those who are only popular for critiquing them.
If the incentives here are tweaked just right, I think this place can actually become a source of income for those that provide value to SN users and most importantly, Bitcoin users in general. I'm really impressed by some of the earnings of the AMA's, even at this user count.
I fully agree. Great vibe here. I really want to contribute more too in terms of original posts and insights from here in New Zealand.
Making steady progress in my cabin project 🙂 Recently I've managed to build the stairway to the entresol 🙂
Today I'm taking it easy & making orders for insulation and vapor barrier 😉
Have a great day ahead!
Got that extra hour of sleep last night boys
I don't know if anyone is familiar with the "Mandela Effect," but foes anyone else remember the US voting to get rid of daylight savings time a few years ago?
I think it may have passed the Senate, but hasn't passed congress or been signed into law.
And what passed was to make Daylight Savings Time (DST) permanent, ... so that when the spring 2023 DST change is made, the fall 2023 reversal back to Standard time is eliminated and no further adjustment for daylights savings occurs.
opinions break down by region, not by party.
Legislative aides told Reuters they do not expect Congress to reach agreement before the end of the year. Supporters in the Senate would need to reintroduce the bill next year if it is not approved by the end of the year.
I woke up at 4:58am and wasn’t even aware that the time had changed haha no wonder I didn’t feel tired when I opened my eyes 👀