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it happened again.
0.917 BTC paid in fees, after what appears to be an RBF battle that began the instant the output appeared in the mempool 🤔
Do I understand this right: I create a new wallet and accidentally got randomly the seed of someone elses wallet (or more likely did some "hacking" to get someone elses seed). Now I transfer the money I found to my own wallet. BUT the person who got his money stolen from has some bot that wants to save the money and also transfers the compromised money somewhere else. Our two wallets now do replace-by-fee until one of us two wins 🤯🤯
  1. Basically stealing Bitcoin means giving it to miners
  2. I do not have a bot that monitors my UTXOs to save my money just in case. Should I? Do you? Isn't it a bad idea to have this on an internet connected device 24/7?
239 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 2 Mar
Usually what happens is that there are bots that are constantly searching for low entropy seeds. As soon as any sats land in one of those seeds they RBF into a wallet controlled by the hacker. Since there are likely many bots doing this, sometimes they RBF each other to get whatever they can.
From this example they paid about 1 bitcoin but they still managed to steal 2.
What I don't understand about this transaction is that the previous transaction was included in the same block. I would have thought the previous TX would need at least 1 conf for this to happen. Looks like it didn't.
Aslo, I wonder if ViaBTC will give that fee back to the owner.