The Sumerian Kings, according to the tablets, have lived and reigned for 10,000's of years per king. the old-world buildings that are open to public sight and visits do not fit into any textbook timeline, once an investigator digs thru evidence a little bit. as they say... people overestimate what they can accomplish in 1 year but underestimate what they can accomplish in 10,000 years...
researchers of the occult are trying to figure out what pieces of history are correct and which are made-up and propagated by A.I. aided by agents-enforcers of the matrix. after all, after 3-4 generations, once a great-grandparent of a family is gone, all stories from their time and before their time are hearsay.
those who do not know their history, are doomed to repeat it. also, what's this global mudflood that has occurred, according to multiple religious texts... and what is this scholarly man babblling about?