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20 sats \ 3 replies \ @BlokchainB 2 Mar \ on: Say "No" to Nuclear Power Interventions Politics_And_Law
Wow first time I saw an article critical of nuke power economics
It really comes down to how much the marginal cost of production is for power. Gas and coal seem to be cheaper, overall, for production. Now, I don’t know if this includes the costs of deactivation for any of these power plants or the cost of disposal of detritus as the waste product. Until the capital price of making the nuclear plant comes down, a nuke may be too expensive. Perhaps, the small modular generators can be manufactured for a fairly low price.
Yeah that is true I wonder if that plant had any cost control measures enforced upon it by the local governments
I don’t know about cost control measures from local governments, but there is usually a Public Utilities Commission or some such that imposes price controls on the output to the customers. This is one reason why it has become unprofitable to build and operate those big nuclear plants. If they could charge for the power at a rate that would return a profit, I think you would see more of them.