I can scarcely, barely even believe it. You can't make this stuff up.
But for someone who wants to "tariff 100%" any country trying to de-risk from the US dollar and the SWIFT payment systems... Mr Trump is doing a fabulous job encouraging countries to do just that.
Tariff its allies (NATO ones, European ones plus Canada)
- Check
Separate from international institutions (as imperfect as they may be)
- Check
Cede soft-power to adversaries (China and Russia)
Russia on the internet, especially on social media and
China everywhere else
- Check
Prove yourself unreliable upholding international agreements on
"Human Rights" and
through "Traditional Diplomacy"
- Big Check
Other countries know that, for better or worse, through thick and thin, they cannot depend on the United States anymore. The price of Gold is on a Bull Run, US treasury yields are 'up' (because US bonds are 'riskier' percentage-wise than before) and the (US) debt plus deficit...
Is still spiraling out of control.
The Republican house in the United States just passed their budget bill with ~ 1.5 Trillion of spending cuts... substantially less than the over 4 Trillion of 'new' spending the next 10 years.
In other words, the debt accumulation in the United States isn't slowing down.
It isn't even being talked about:
It's potentially speeding up, especially if bond vigilantes want higher yields...
So who wants to trust the United States now?
On Trade (trade deals get ripped up at will by the president for any slight, disagreement, or domestic purpose)
On Defense (the President can make up any policy he wants to at any time depending on how someone says "thank you")
On Leadership (after all the EU has been 'ripping off' the US for years, decades even.. it's time for PayBack baby!)
- And virtually everything else. The US to many non-American allies just looks like a bully. A bully that votes with Russia, North Korea, and Belarus... (sorry Belarus) and who wants to trust a that bully now?
Traditional US allies, for all their faults, aren't friends anymore. According to Trump, they need to pay up! And if they don't pay up then their days are numbered as Trump says 'they're not going to have a country anymore!'
- 3% of GDP on defense?
- 5% of GDP?
- It's a moving number of course and can be changed or 'renegotiated' at any time...
With friends like this...
Donald Trump has created a new 'Crypto' Reserve.
Does he want other countries, institutions, and businesses to Dump Dollars for Bitcoin?
Unlike US Treasuries (the "store-of-Value" version of 'Dollars')
- Bitcoin cannot be 'turned off'.
- It cannot be confiscated.
- It cannot be 'censored' (censorship is extremely rare on the Bitcoin blockchain anyway)
- And assets, held in the form of Bitcoin, cannot be inflated away at will by the Federal Reserve in order to execute 'MoNeTaRy PoLiCy' and print more Dollars if the US economy 'needs them'.
Bitcoin is therefore perfect collateral for nation states and institutions that cannot trust the United States any longer. Which they can't.
And Donald Trump, aside from providing reasons to immediately revoke this trust is giving them the perfect out: their own Strategic Bitcoin Reserves, holdings, and de-dollarization.
How long will it be before Nation-States, governments, and businesses dump the Dollar as unreliable paper based on a faux-friendship, sell their US bonds (which they're doing anyway) and adopt Bitcoin as the 'high-powered', nation-state level strategic money?
Roll a seed phrase with dice from the gaming store, using the Binaries (1s and 0s) based on even or odd 'dice', select seed words from the binaries you just rolled and you have... unconfiscatable money that cannot be censored or debased, open-source and trustworthy that no-one without physical access to the Seed can take or stop.
Isn't that what the world, in times like this, really needs? Unstoppable money resistant to the whims of an American president and Empire-in-Decline?
The thing I don't understand is why, with everything else going on in my opinion, Mr. Trump would create a 'strategic crypto reserve.' Yes it's 'crypto' not Bitcoin-only... But the 'smart money' has already figured out the difference and long-term I believe it won't make any difference.
Proof-of-work cannot be cheated, proof-of-work requires energy the backbone of our civilization, and PoW Bitcoin has no competitors ("proof of air-token" doesn't count it NEVER did.)
Treat your 'allies' like crap, prove the United States unreliable and untrustworthy, offer a clear alternative (Bitcoin) to the world on a Silver Platter (no pun intended) with the 'perfect excuse' to adopt it...
And if the world wanted a stronger de-dollarizing, scamming, non-neutral, unpredictable, advocate for non-traditional assets (like Bitcoin) that cannot be confiscated or 'turned off' by the US (former) Empire
They could not ask for a better Bitcoin advocate and Dollar-Skeptic, however unintentionally, than Donald Trump.