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FT reports "China adviser pushes for lower marriage age to boost births"
China’s average age of first marriage in 2020 was 29.4 years for men and 28 years for women, and he expected it to follow trends in Taiwan and South Korea, where people were marrying in their 30s.....CPPCC member, Chen Songxi, an econometrics professor at the elite Peking University, has proposed lowering China’s legal age of marriage to 18 years old from 22 for men and 20 for women, among other measures to increase the birth rate.

China’s population fell for the first time in six decades in 2022 and has declined each year since.
Can lowering the marriage age help China's growing demographic pains?
I don't think that's the problem
You mean China is not struggling with an ageing population and lower birth rates?
No, I mean the current marriage age isn't a likely culprit.
Yes, that's not the culprit. This is very china to put the responsibility once again on the people.
They wrecked their family culture with the draconian One Child Policy and now they're in a demographic collapse.
They were absolutely wrong with one child policy. On the other hand India is enjoying and will enjoy a younger population for a long long time. China didn't need it considering it had more land and resources than India has.
39 sats \ 0 replies \ @Hodl117 4h
Based on the title I expected this to be pedophilic/predatory in nature, but was relived that China was even more tyrannical than I thought they were.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @NovaRift 4h
This would be their worst or best decision. Maybe, personally from my POV, young minds aren't smart enough to make better future decisions. The one child policy already proved to be a lot of burden for a person (I don't know why China does so many experiments with its own people). I assume that maybe this proposal will be rejected or implemented in a different way.
China, the world capital of finding where fucking around meets finding out.
How could eugenics possibly go wrong?!
I do not believe that this will fix the chaos that the government itself has created by imposing on couples the number of children they should have. Society will advance when the state does not stick its nose into all areas of society.