You 401k fiat savings are handed over to enable bankers to gain greater custody and control of Bitcoins limited issuance- in a form where they expressly prevent and prohibit all Bitcoin held in their custody being used for P2P payments.
Bitcoin as a speculative commodity plaything held by institutional custodians is no threat to fiats MoE hegemony.
Agree fiat has a way to go but the USD not so much.
5-10 years max.
China has won the trade war and all nations must trade with China or suffer loss of economic advantage.
Historically trade dominance precedes monetary hegemony.
China has already won the trade war.
Increasingly China enables trade payments outside of the IMF/USD/SWIFT system via Hong Kong and probably via its already operational CBDC which was designed to enable an alternative to USD/SWIFT.
With Iran and Russia already onboard only one more major energy exporter needs to move from USD to Yuan trade payments and the petrodollar begins to very swiftly unravel.
Trump is already ceding territory to Chinas military proxies, admitting US exceptionalism is now defunct - and once that snowball of appeasement starts its very swiftly all over for USD hegemony.
It's going to be much longer than 20 years because of all the stuff that's being rearranged in the government right now. The purchasing power of the dollar has already clawed back much of what was lost in the last QE.
I think that's largely the reason for the most recent sharp decline in Bitcoin's dollar price.
Of course you will never see companies bring their prices back down, but you will notice that they won't go up again for a while.
There is still a long way to go. Regarding the USA, as long as the dollar is predominantly the global currency, the printing will not have catastrophic consequences, but if the BRICS plan has an effect on de-dollarization, that is another story. Now, wanting is one thing, getting it is totally different, even more so when the fight is against a nation that has countless devices to prevent