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Many thanks for mention, and also for those question, for me is a pleasure reply.
  • How did you find out about SN?
I'm not sure, but I landed here looking for a place to talk about various things without spam or trivial, nonsensical answers. It is possible that you have come across here looking for very specific information on the Monero proxy or on a ligthing node. After that I discovered the beautiful photographic section.
  • How difficult was it to get started? Any feedback?
For me was really easy start, but frankly speaking, I was searching for an onion site to have more privacy, but, as u can see in the attachment, for me is impossible use the onion version of this site.
Maybe it's my fault, but I couldn't find an official app on F-Droid to operate from a phone.
  • How much experience do you have with lightning?
Honestly not too much, but I've been interested in this layer for a long time, so I'm not completely fasting.
  • Have you read the FAQ already?
Sure, I've read the 1st time before register my account, and then I've read them a couple more time
Sure, but here I've some trouble with this. I've a LN node under umbrella, but I want to abandon this system to create a node from scratch on an HP Microserver Gen 6 with Debian. The BTC node has been working for some time, the lighting node is taking longer to become operational. The hope is to clarify some doubts thanks to these pages. The ready-to-go solutions you propose all have something that does not satisfy me. In time I will resolve this point as well.
Thanks for all.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek OP 2h
After that I discovered the beautiful photographic section.
Did you read that @TNStacker? 👀
for me is impossible use the onion version of this site.
Oh yes, our onion site is very unreliable, sorry, we will fix it in time. 🙈
Maybe it's my fault, but I couldn't find an official app on F-Droid to operate from a phone.
We don't have an app you can install from an app store, only a progressive web app (PWA). It should have prompted you to install the PWA though. Did it not?
but here I've some trouble with this. I've a LN node under umbrella, but I want to abandon this system to create a node from scratch on an HP Microserver Gen 6 with Debian. The BTC node has been working for some time, the lighting node is taking longer to become operational. The hope is to clarify some doubts thanks to these pages. The ready-to-go solutions you propose all have something that does not satisfy me. In time I will resolve this point as well.
If you have any questions, I'm sure stackers in ~bitcoin_beginners will help you!