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By Kevin Van Elswyk
The entire existing trade system for milk is emblematic of governments’ convoluted intrusions into foreign trade and domestic protections. There is no room for efficiency from comparative advantage in the current maze of interlocking treaties.
You beat me by 38 minutes!!
Not only is it emblematic, it shows what tariffs do to distort trade patterns and the comparative advantages in economic production. We are putting away a lot of cheese into bulk buying because of the totally bogus floor pricing that causes excess production over the rate of the market clearing price. We still haven’t learned that floor prices cause excess supply and ceiling prices cause shortages!!! It is not difficult but this is what you get when you have politicians sticking their dirty, sticky fingers into the economy.
There's been some degree of deregulating to offset the tariff impacts. Perhaps that will come into play in this area, too.
Deregulation is always welcome. Any time the state removes itself from the economy the results seem to work well for us common folk. I am looking more forward to the deregulation part of the Trump agenda than the tariff part because tariffs always seem to engender problems, like smuggling and bootlegging. Perhaps Trump’s team can get rid of more regulations than they make, this time around. Will he become the deregulation champ, or just the tariff champ?
I'm sure it will be a very mixed bag.
He's not one of us, but he's as close as we're likely to get.
It would be even better if he had some Austrian advisors. I am not sure that he does at this point, due to wanting to use tariffs to protect the economy (both of which are bad ideas). To me, it looks like China is going through the throes of economic maladjustment corrections right now. Japan did it before and they are still suffering and still protecting. I am just curious to see what forms of correction China will be experiencing on their feast of consequences.
I think Vivek was the only one.