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Will this legally stand... unlikely given the legal codification of various Department of Education areas but this will likely lead to a widespread internal reorganization which easily should be done.
I thought Thomas Massie already has a bill to eliminate the Dept of Education
I just checked and yes he did and it was referred to the Ed and Workforce Committee. The issue is that in the Senate legislation to do this would have to be filibuster proof meaning it needs 60 members/7Dems to vote with Republicans and that isnt going to happen.
Last year the House attempted to add an amendment to I think the spending bill but it could have been something else and the Amendment failed with 60 Republicans voting against.
It def needs to be reformed and that can be much more easily done than to try and abolish it at once. In my opinion a lot of this stuff we have seen recently be it this or the layoffs of probationary workers were not fully thought through. With the DOE they fired a bunch of our National Nuclear Stockpile Administrators... aka the people who are in charge of the current upgrades to our nuclear arsenal. Various Departments/Agencies also fired people that they had promoted under the Trump admin as well... just not fully baked moves.
I don't care about the legal aspects of this but it needs to happen. It would be one of the first departments I would just get rid of if I had the power. It serves no virtuous purpose. It isn't a waste of money for the feds. Its a mechanism of control. Of course it is a waste of tax payers money. Let each community determine how to educate their children. Or, here's an idea. Let parents decide.
Just about the only good thing they seem to do are the Pell grants as those have a remarkably good bang for your buck esp when you factor in its a government thing... Most other things seem like they can go under Health and Human Services (HHS) or somewhere else. Not sure where the hell we should put the loans program given its freaking huge but I am sure we can find a spot for it lol
Unpopular opinion. Gov grants like Pell drive up the cost of education. Our education system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 6 Mar
I mean go after the endowments first.... Pell grants are different from other gov education grants
I agree on your order.
I've been wondering how this works. Is the department mandated to exist or the program it's administering. I suppose that will depend on the legislation that created it.
It seems like mandatory programs could be relocated to another agency and then the department can be abolished.
So this one isnt in my wheel house of stuff but the Department of Education was codified into law so he cannot just get rid of it he would need Congress to do that and where he will fail is in the Senate... he just isnt going to get 7 Dems to flip.
What he will likely try and do is get various parts of the Department of Ed moved to places they used to be like to Health and Human Services. I would assume he is going to move to fire a bunch of people employed there (granted it is the smallest senate confirmed department with 4,400 employees) and block grants. He will also have the Sec. of Ed McMahon come up with a massive reorg plan and possibly a plan to close the Department itself... which is kinda wild when you think about it.... you are creating a plan to get rid of your job!
This will kick up another legal storm that will end up before the Supreme Court about what changes he can make without Congress and he is likely going to get stuck with the Department still.
Why do they need 7 Democrats to flip?
35 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 6 Mar
They need 60 votes to make it a supermajority and thus filibuster proof!