Their source for
Bitcoin mining's energy use is reportedly growing at a rate of 25% per month. At that rate of growth, it will consume as much electricity as the US in 2019.
The bitcoin network's energy consumption has increased by 25 percent in the last month alone, according to Digiconomist. If such growth were to continue, this would see the network consume as much energy as the U.S. by 2019, and as much energy as the entire world by the end of 2020.
Yeah, let's extrapolate from one month to two years, what could go wrong? And let's call it per month.
Yeez, stuff like this makes me angry, lol
At least the source also mentions:
Such a projection is purely hypothetical, and for it to be realized it would require bitcoin to continue its remarkable growth trajectory and for global energy production to remain stable
Doesn't improve the citation however.
Just another Malthusian scare, same as the “peak oil fallacy.”