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This post has me thinking (obviously). One of the real issues we face with division is talking past one another. I would bet most people that LIKE DEI would disagree with my framing of what it is. I would say they are just ignorant. I think many people view DEI as just trying to be fair. They don't see it as discrimination. They literally take it as presented. Its not a political thing but rather a human trait in many to just take things at face value. To avoid critical examination.
So when many people that take DEI at face value an article like this makes sense to them. When they hear Trump fighting DEI they think its racism, to be fair it could be that this is true for him but I can tell you it is not for many that support him. The idea that a nation that elected a black man twice is still as racist as the left would like you to believe is frankly absurd. But this framing works when you have DEI being attacked and those that support it don't really understand why.
The whole thing is so absurd. The right sucks at destroying ideas using logic and reason. That's not what is happening now btw. Its just brute force and it won't work long term.
I think the Progressive Bitcoiner is specifically making an appeal to that group that doesn't see DEI the way you (or I) do. They think bitcoin can appeal to those people, based on their other values.
We just aren't the target audience for this appeal.
The DEI people just SUCK so much. I'm with them on some things but the way they try to do it... its terrible. I remember realizing that it was about how they feel one day while I listened to a colleague give a talk about DEI. Its mostly preaching to the choir.
For sure. My mental condition is just acting up sir. Carry on :)