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Great post. It is discouraging how long it is taking and also we have to still have these pump and dump scams that get conflated with Bitcoin. What more can we do but try to educate people on the difference. Some will get it, others need to touch the hot stove. Eventually everyone will get it (hopefully).
At the rate we are going it will take a long, long time. Yes are are making 'progress' sort of... but the progress is so 'decentralized' it's all-over-the-place and not consistent.
The recent sell-off in my opinion is evidence of that. An SBR 'should' be a sign of progress... but articles like this (and there was nothing 'untruthful' in the article?) really, really set us back and slow us down.
The 'signal' and messages get lost in the noise and it's a pretty damning article of crypto in my opinion. I don't know how to compare "this" with previous technology-innovation cycles