One of the things I enjoy doing the most is street photography. I like going out to document daily life in this city, and the most fun part is that I never know what I'm going to find. I just go with my eyes wide open and very aware of everything around me, because I know that even the simplest things can be worthy of a photograph.
The city I live in is built on a mountain, which means it has a lot of steep streets, and something I really like is photographing those streets because they give an interesting perspective:

I also took more photos of the cityscape, since every street is different and each one has its own beauty.

On this day, I also took street photos. The first photo I'll show you was taken in the center of my city, and I found it very curious that there was a man eating standing on the sidewalk:

Minutes later, in the same place, a woman and her daughter walked by, both looking in the same direction with the same astonished look, as if they had seen something very strange:

A family of three riding together on a motorcycle:

I took the next photo because the man was very relaxed sitting on the sidewalk next to his little dog:

People walking, almost organized in a line:

Typical Venezuelan bodega displaying bananas and things outside the store:

An old car loaded with things:

I took the next photo because the house was very deteriorated, reflecting the passage of time:

The next photo is one of my favorites. I was framing the motorcycle under the trees, and when I took the photo, another motorcycle entered the frame, and the photo turned out much better because one motorcycle was static and the other was in motion:

I hope you liked these photos as much as I did. Thank you for everything!