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As I was drinking my morning coffee in one of my favourite cafés, with my laptop open to continue translating the book I had started a long time ago — a translation that was progressing very slowly — I overheard a conversation between two elderly people. At first, I thought they were a married couple, but then I realized they were just friends (or maybe something more than friends!?).
The short dialogue I managed to hear went like this:
  • My husband has passed away, - said the old lady. - My children have left me alone. Why did God punish me so hard?
  • He hasn’t punished you, no. Don’t be sad, you have me.
  • But how can I not be sad, my dear? I’m just human.
  • God is great. Don’t be sad.
  • But I’m human, my dear.
  • It’s not your fault. This is life! You cannot do anything about it.
  • What a damned life.
  • There’s nothing you can do. That’s just how it is.
  • But I have no one, my dear. What kind of life is this?
  • Don’t you get along with your daughters?
  • No, I don’t. Don’t I have the right not to?
  • You do, but there’s nothing you can do. It’s not your fault.
  • I must be tiring you. Have you finished your coffee?
  • Forget the coffee. I just want to sit here with you and take away some of your sadness.
  • Thank you.
  • God is great! God is great! I don’t know what He can do! I don’t know what to say to you, I don’t know what answer to give because I’m afraid I might say something wrong. I am here for you. You know what I am to you. What am I to you?
  • A friend.
  • Now you ask me what you are to me.
  • What am I to you? – asked the old lady.
  • You are my love! - replied the old man, and he reached out his hand and wiped away a tear that had rolled down her cheek
At some point, the old lady turned her head and noticed that I was sitting nearby, just a table away. She lowered her voice. Probably, she was afraid that I might overhear their conversation. I saw her being a bit embarrassed about the fact that I could have heard their conversations. They continued their conversation in hushed tones. The poor lady had tears in her eyes the entire time.
I couldn’t understand what had happened to her or why she was so deeply sad. I never found out why she felt that "God had punished her so harshly." However, the gentleman remained by her side, never taking his eyes off her for a moment.
The scene left an indelible impression on me, one that has stayed in my mind for a long time! At that moment, I had an overwhelming urge to get up and hug them both. But I didn’t do that. I simply continued watching them in silence, with my eyes filled with tears.
Not to trivialize this woman's pain, but this really seems like it would make for an incredible movie scene
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 8 Mar
I couldn’t understand what had happened to her or why she was so deeply sad.
Didn't you answer this:
My husband has passed away, - said the old lady. - My children have left me alone.
Yes, it seemed like a possible answer, but I sensed a subtle discord, a feeling that something more complex was at play. It seemed that these were just a part of the problem she had. I don't know.