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I loved writing this article.
...actually, not: I was pretty frustrated and angry when I did.

I feel like I'm losing my mind: WTH IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE?!

My very surface observation here is that the intellectual classes have had a collective psychosis. They're off their (Pfizer-mandated?) meds.
Not only does the anger and vitriol feel coordinated, but it’s undeniably performative: Clearly, they cannot genuinely be this upset over such trifling matters. This little spring cleaning, having already annoyed absolutely everyone in the world of Anglo-American intelligentsia, is but mere a trickle. If shrinking the federal workforce by some single-digit percentages is “taking a torch to the American state,” I would like to know in which segment of the dictionary Messrs. Luce, Edsall, and Wolf intend to find the appropriate words for any actual (and urgently needed) reduction of America’s government.
Martin Wolf, whom I've been shitting on plenty in recent weeks (#890832, #901361)
...opened his FT article with the powerful sentence, “Civilised societies depend on institutions.” At a high enough level, that’s right—although his continuation, “the most important institutions are those of the state,” is laughable. Moreover, he’s wrong about which institutions, and on which side of “civilized” we find him and these other unsavory characters in legacy media, politics, and the state bureaucracy.

"The intelligentsia really feels like they’re in mortal danger. It’s lovely to see."

The last line is correct, at least for those tied to the state. As unhinged and irrational as the reaction seems, I can verify that it is accurate and authentic. I know many of these people and they are freaking out. Most seem to expect everyone to be fired (if only, right?).
The best I can offer by way of explanation is that they've seen that their god can bleed and now they're very scared.
It's the inevitable result of an intelligentsia that has become hopelessly self referential. i.e. you are a credentialed intellectual because other credentials intellectuals say you are.
The result of that is a lack of free, independent thought. And instead everything becomes a performance to signal your conformity to the group.
That's what it looks like to us, outsiders.
To them it looks like good journalism and intellectualizing.
How do those Venn diagrams begin touching again?
That's right, few of them realize what's going on. They still think that they are in their positions because they are actually smart, LOL
One thing I would like to start doing, which I haven't because I'm too timid, is to heap unrelenting scorn on anyone who says they come from or work for an elite institution.
"I work for the New York Times."
"Oh, what's it like working in the entertainment industry?"
"I graduated from Harvard."
"Oh, you mean the school that discriminates based on the color of your skin?"
haha, too bad I'm such a scaredycat
I definitely agree with America needing more cowbell.
Seriously though, the fake outrage is really insane right now. At least it's pretty easy to tune out.
I feel this is similar to the fake outrage that happened during the me too movement. Or the black lives matter. People were just being sheeple and gathering together over a common cause.